M e m o r i a l S e s s i o n s
After the loss of a child, the thought of a family photo session can be a daunting and heartbreaking time. After the death of my third child, Brynlee in 2017, I really did not long for those family photos anymore. Memorial sessions were created to pay honor to our children and babies gone too soon. A chance to in-cooperate their memory in your family photos. I pour my heart into each session I do and love getting to know your journey and your family. The silhouettes placed into your photos are meant to be the same age, height and gender as your child(ren).
Twice a year, I offer these sessions in an event. Once in April that is open to all losses and again in Fall in honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month that is open to only those specific losses. Silhouettes may also be added for no additional charge to any regular session or wedding.